• Difficult Negotiations
  • Crises & Conflicts
  • Credibility in Communication

Hard negotiations require no games or manipulation. If you want to get along then you have to bet on effective communication.

Tomasz Piotr Sidewicz


What do I do professionally?

I am a professional negotiator and certified behavioral analyst, specializing in business communication credibility and I help entrepreneurs and managers get out of business trouble.

I prepare and effectively implement negotiation strategies.

I specialize in behavioral analytics and communication credibility research, which is inextricably linked to business communications, sales and negotiations, especially those involving conflicts of interest (corporate divorces, negotiations with labor unions, shareholders or stockholders).

The largest transaction exceeded PLN 1,400,000,000. Yes, that’s more than a billion zlotys 😀.

Due to extensive professional experience (difficult negotiations and crises) I also develop in the scientific field continuing my linguistic studies, searching for the most efficient interpersonal communication tools.

I have been involved in sales and negotiations since 1991. Until 2006 I ran a foreign trade company and a debt collection office, where I conducted business talks with foreign importers on behalf of my clients (Polish producers). 15 years of work in foreign trade and negotiating with foreigners taught me the high business culture necessary in an intercultural environment. For my clients, I prepare negotiation strategies or negotiate multi-million contracts (the largest transaction exceeded PLN 1.400.000.000).


I am an English philologist with pedagogical training, which I use with great success in my work. I got a certificate issued by the University of Michigan, in the field of English language as a second language. At present I continue my academic path at postgraduate linguistic studies.

My business approach

28 years of professional experience, including 26 as a private entrepreneur shaped my business approach, based on simple rules. Business is subject to risks and uncertainties. When negotiating or crisis management there is no room for mistakes since the outcome affects bank accounts.

In the area of management I use a simple principle that first I need to be able to manage myself perfectly – “be a role model, the boss of myself.” Only then should I manage other people. The art of management is not limited to giving orders and threatening finger. Successful management requires knowledge of people, their motivations, aptitudes and competencies. Without the knowledge of human nature, there is no success in management.

Professional background

My professional experience is cooperation with companies that, due to their activities, operate on international markets. I had been the CEO of a foreign trade company for 12 years. I learned the specifics of almost all European countries, Asia, North Africa, the USA and Canada. Working and negotiating with foreigners taught me a lot and gave me a chance to achieve very high business culture necessary in foreign trade.

Coaching path

I became a trainer in 2005, when White Young Green International Ltd, the biggest company in Poland specializing in training-advisory projects, mainly for Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, asked me to become a trainer (I ran my foreign trade company then) to share my knowledge and experience in the field of foreign trade and negotiations with SMEs. After the verification of necessary documents and my professional experience I started my new professional career – as a business trainer. Since then I established cooperation with many training companies in Poland.

Training experience

I constantly strengthen my business practice, connected mainly with orders from my clients (documented > 10,000 hours of conducted training sessions).

I am the publisher and editor-in-chief of an online magazine „Wiedza to Władza”®, wiedzatowladza.pl registered in the District Court in Łódź, registration number 1430. I also run my channel on youtube – wiedzatowladza.tv

“Wiedza to Władza”® is a registered trademark at the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

What in free time?

I have several passions; I do sport regularly (cross-fit and full body workout), I am passionate about motorization and racing. I am actively involved in sports and action photography, which is very demanding not only in terms of equipment, but above all in the workshop. I run a photoblog where I show people who have their passions, most often associated with courage justimpress.me

Some of my public speeches – conferences

  • In 2017 I was a speaker at Modern Sales Techniques Conference organized by Brian Tracy International Poland, where I presented the differences between sales and negotiations.
  • In 2016 I gave a speech at „Liderka Biznesu”, where according to WOMAN-NEWS.PL – I delivered “The most powerful, a real firecracker from Tomasz Sidewicz – a negotiator with many years of experience, who in a very suggestive way explained whether the negotiations are for everyone and what to do to increase your chances at the negotiating table.” Over 400 participants.
  • In 2016 I was a speaker at the Sales Congress. The title of my speech: “The myth of relationship in business, is it worth to challenge your client?” (More than 100 participants)
  • In 2015 I was a speaker at the Conference – „People buy from people” (over 300 participants)
  • In 2014 I was one of the speakers of the conference “The Great Success at Little Cost” (over 700 participants) where together with Professor Robert Cialdini I presented the relation between persuasion and negotiations.
  • In 2013 I performed at “Kuźnia Kampanierów” conference, where I presented that fight to have power always takes place among people and results from human nature
  • In 2012 I participated in 15 conferences about financial credibility organized by BIG InfoMonitor S.A., where I gave speeches on how to use your financial credibility in the negotiation process.
  • In years 2007-2011 as a part of the “Engineer with Culture” project (500 students each time), I presented to students at the University of Science and Technology in Cracow aspects in the field of persuasion, negotiations and motivation in business.
  • In 2002 at the First International Linguistic Conference I presented the analysis of verbal communication – “Pragmatic and semantic approach to Hilary Clinton’s speech during her election campaign to the Senate in 2000”, where my work was met with great interest

My publications

I am the author or co-author of numerous articles for magazines such as Essence Magazine, Businessman Magazine, Business Pulse, Rzeczpospolita, Dziennik.pl, Gazeta Prawna and KrymiGraf on selling techniques, negotiation, influence, handwriting analysis and linguistic analysis used in business.Some of the publications (only Polish)

  • Sprzedawaj albo giń – World Business Class Magazine grudzień 2017
  • Rozmowa się opłaca. Czasem firmy tracą tylko dlatego, że dwóch prezesów się nie lubi – Gazeta Prawna, 23 grudnia 2016
  • Strach, nie zysk! Poradnik Walczących Społeczników – INSPRO. Marzec 2016
  • Pajacowanie – związkowiec musi wyjść – Rzeczpospolita, 24.02.2015
  • Jak się negocjuje: Rząd kontra lobby zawodowe – Gazeta Prawna, 7 luty 2015
  • Negocjacje – level hard. Takich technik używali Bartosz Arłukowicz i Porozumienie Zielonogórskie – Dziennik.pl, Styczeń 2015
  • Badanie pisma i jego wykorzystanie w biznesie – Krymigraf nr 17, styczeń 2014
  • Badanie pisma w biznesie – J.D. Rockefeller – Krymigraf nr 16, wrzesień, 2013
  • Sukces na talerzu – Rzeczpospolita, 23 Styczeń 2012
  • Jak skutecznie negocjować? – Magazyn Businessman.pl, Czerwiec 2009
  • Automanipulator – Essence – Magazyn Ludzi Sukcesu, Maj 2009
